Sunday, September 16, 2007

My girlfriend washed my eyeball last night

So last night, we're watching TV in bed, and she's cuddled up next to me with her head propped up on my left shoulder. I was watching football, and she not being a big football fan, was bored and looking around and doing other things. She played with my nipple rings for a few minutes, making sure they were perfectly straight, before she looked up at me and said, "Have you washed your eye recently?"

She's pretty good about reminding me to wash my eye every couple of weeks. It's quite easy to forget, but is something that definitely needs to be done. I replied that I hadn't done it lately but would do it sometime later on in the week. She sat up in bed a little bit from her comfy position and looked me in the eye and said "Can I do it for you?"

I was a little weireded out over that question... I mean, isn't that kinda like me saying "Can I change your tampon for you?" I chuckled at her question a little bit and then she reminded me that last year when she was helping me after my operation that she had dressed the wound, washed the temporary eye, and all that good stuff, and she would be happy to do this for me. Plus she said it's something that she liked to do

Still feeling a little odd about the whole situation, I nod and give her the OK. She jumps out of bed and skips like a 13 year old girl to my side of the bathroom (my sink and cabinets is on the right, hers on the left). She goes into the drawer where I keep all of my eye care supplies and returns with a little blue suction cup device, that looks like one of those suction cup darts that shoot out of toy guns.

I've got my head propped up on my pillows watching the Georgia Tech football game, so she crawls back into bed and asks me if I'm ready. I face her a little bit, look straight ahead as she ever so slowly moves the suction cup towards my eye. A couple of seconds later I feel a little pressure the left side of my face while she positions the suction cup over the iris, and then I can see her from my right eye looking over at her, slowly pull the eye out. Like clockwork, the little "pop" noise let me know that the eye was successfully removed.

Elena darted off to the bathroom again, mumbling the words to some Italian pop song, and stays in the bathroom for a couple of minutes. She then emerged drying the eye in a Kleenex. Returning to bed once more, she asks me if she can try putting the eye back in. Putting the eye back in is a whole different ballgame than taking it out, and takes a good amount of work to make sure it goes in correctly.

I reluctantly say okay, and she asked me to lay down flat. She used her left hand to spread open the eyelid and bottom of the eye socket open, and then ever so carefully placed the eye back in the socket. It always feels so weird once you put a clean eye in there, because the eyelid sorta sticks to the eye for a few moments.

Once it was placed back in, she asked me to look around to make sure it gets properly aligned, and within seconds of moving my eyes in a circle the eye secured its position to the movable implant and we're done.

I congratulated her and she was all happy that I let her do this for me. She then sternly reminded me that I need to make sure I clean the eye every couple of weeks out of habit. I know it's hard to remember, because when I wore contacts, my 2-week contacts became the 2-months contacts. Satisfied with her good deed, she propped herself back on my shoulder and fell asleep within minutes. I finish the game and then join her in the world of darkness.